So what is a patent? This video explains what a patent is, what patents can protect, and how you can get one for yourself. If you want to protect your ideas and inventions, this video will give you the basics of how a patent can help you do this. Put simply, a patent is a limited monopoly, granted by the government, that allows the owner to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the patented invention into the country or region that granted the patent.
The video includes:
– Patents are a negative right
– Limited term that cannot be extended
– Patents are enforceable only in the specific country that granted the patent
-What things can be patented?
– Patents are a form of IP or Intellectual Property
-Trademarks, Copyrights, & Trade Secrets are the other three types of IP
– Patents protect utilitarian inventions whereas copyrights protect artistic works
– Trademarks protect names, logos or other marks that differentiate goods and services
-Patents protect a wide variety of utilitarian inventions
– You can only get a US patent by filing a patent application at the USPTO
– The patent will be granted if the invention is new and non-obvious in view of prior art.